
How To Set Out Of Office Skype For Business

Alter your presence status

Click the status menu drop-down arrow below your name on the Skype for Business primary window, and then click the condition you want to show other people.

Presence status options

To revert from the status you set up and have Skype for Business automatically update your status, click the condition menu and and so click Reset Status.

Choose the appropriate status

Make sure you fix your status accurately. The post-obit tabular array describes each presence condition that other people may see for y'all, what each status means, and which ones you tin can prepare yourself.

Tip:The presence statuses are pre-set in Skype for Business, which means you tin can't create a custom status, but you can give your contacts more details well-nigh where you are or what you're doing by adding a personal note. See the next section for details.

If your presence is

Information technology means you lot are

How this status gets set

Green status indicator


Online and bachelor to contact.

Set up automatically for you lot based on your keyboard activity or Outlook calendar. You can also set this status when you want others to know you're in your part even though the figurer is idle.

Yellow status indicator

Be Right Back

Stepping abroad from the estimator for a few moments.

Y'all can set your presence to this someday you want.

Yellow status indicator

Away/Appear Away

Logged on but your computer has been idle, or yous've been away from your computer for a specified (ready by yous) period of fourth dimension.

Ready automatically for y'all based on your keyboard action or Outlook calendar. Skype for Business sets your status to "inactive" when your computer's been idle for five minutes, and to "away" when your condition has been inactive for v minutes. (To modify these default values, click the Options Options arrow button, click Status, and then click the arrows adjacent to Prove me as Inactive when my condition has been idle for this many minutes and Show me every bit Away when my status has been Inactive for this many minutes.) You tin likewise prepare your presence to this someday you lot want.

Yellow status indicator

Off Work

Not working and not bachelor to exist contacted.

Yous tin can set up your presence to this anytime y'all desire.

Red status indicator


Busy and don't want to be interrupted.

Set automatically for y'all based on your Outlook calendar. You tin can likewise ready your presence to this anytime you want. If you manually ready it to Busy, it will revert back to your Outlook calendar status in 24 hours, if you practice non change information technology before so.

Red status indicator

In a call

In a Skype for Concern phone call (a two-way audio telephone call) and don't desire to exist disturbed.

Set automatically for you based on your phone activity.

Red status indicator

In a meeting

In a meeting and don't want to be disturbed.

Set automatically for you based on your Outlook agenda.

Red status indicator

In a conference call

In a Skype for Business organization conference phone call (a Skype for Business concern meeting with audio) and don't want to be disturbed.

Set automatically for y'all when y'all take joined a briefing phone call or a run into now session.

Do not disturb status indicator

Do Not Disturb

Don't desire to be disturbed and will see chat notifications just if sent past someone in your workgroup.

Y'all can set your presence to this someday you want. If you manually gear up information technology to Practise Not Disturb, it volition revert back to your Outlook Agenda status in 24 hours, if you exercise not change your status before then.

Do not disturb status indicator


Giving a presentation and can't be disturbed.

Set automatically for y'all when you are presenting in a Skype for Concern meeting. Y'all can change this setting in the Status options window.

Out of office presence indicator

Out of Office

You are out of the office.

Set automatically for you based on your Outlook calendar.

Out of the office - autoreply is on

Out of the function (automatic reply is on)

You have set the automated answer feature in Outlook.

Ready automatically for you lot when you lot gear up automatic replies in Outlook.

Offline status indicator


Not signed in. You'll appear as Offline to people whom you lot've blocked from seeing your presence.

Set automatically for you based on your keyboard activity or Outlook calendar.

Unknown status indicator


Your presence can't exist detected.

This status might appear to contacts who are not using Skype for Business as their instant messaging program.

Note:If you use Outlook and you plough on the out-of-office notification, the note yous write in Outlook displays in Skype for Business organisation as well, and a red star or asterisk (*) appears adjacent to your presence status at bottom of your picture brandish area.

Examples of presence scenarios

Confused about offline or out-of-function presence messages? These examples might assistance.


Skype for Business message


THE Holiday

Miguel headed out on vacation for a week and turned on Automatic Replies in Outlook to announce it. He already cancelled or declined whatsoever meetings during the week he'd be abroad, and left his laptop signed out and unplugged.

Presence message for Miguel



Kayo is attending a conference this week a few hours away from town. She turned on Automatic Replies in Outlook to let her customers know she'south out of boondocks, but she'll yet be getting online with Skype for Business from time to fourth dimension.

Presence message for Kayo

THE Engagement

Chris is having a regular working week, but needs to visit his doctor during his lunch 60 minutes. He blocked out his calendar equally Office of Function for xxx minutes so that colleagues will know they shouldn't book his time during that period.

Presence message for Chris


Louisa has had an unexpected crisis at dwelling house and turned on Automatic Replies in Outlook to announce this. She didn't clear her diary yet, as she'southward not certain when she'll return.

Presence message for Louisa


Aadi took off on Friday afternoon for a weekend of fishing. He turned on Automatic Replies in Outlook to announce this, then locked his Windows desktop computer and left Skype for Business running.

Presence message for Aadi

Add or remove a personal notation

Type a personal note, such as "Working from abode," at the top of your Skype for Business main window, to share current details about your condition. The note volition appear with your contact card. Change the note equally oft as y'all like.

To add a personal note

  • In the Skype for Business organisation main window, click the note box higher up your name, so type a note, such equally "Working from home" or "Working on a deadline, delight IM instead of stopping past."

To remove your personal note

  • Click the note box to a higher place your proper name, and, on your keyboard, press BackSpace, and and so press Enter. The text in the box reverts to the default message, "What'south happening today?"

Turn your out-of-office notification on or off

If your Skype for Business concern business relationship is synchronized to your Outlook calendar, an out-of-office message displays as your personal notation in Skype for Business whenever you turn on the out-of-office notification in Outlook. And then, for example, when yous're going to exist on vacation, you might set up up your out-of-function notification in Outlook indicating that you're on holiday (and sharing any relevant information, such as whether you'll be checking email and who your backup is). This notification is published in your contact bill of fare and other contact listings that are displayed to your contacts in Skype for Business concern.

Important:When you render from vacation, remember to turn off the out-of-office notification. You have to go into Outlook to exercise this. You tin can't delete the note from Skype for Business.

To turn on the notification in Outlook

  • In Outlook, click File > Automatic Replies > Send automatic replies, and and so write your out-of-office message and schedule it for display.

To turn off the notification in Outlook and thereby remove the message from your Skype for Business display

  • In Outlook, click File > Automatic Replies > Plough off. (It can have up to 30 minutes for the notation to disappear from your Skype for Business display.)

To sync your Skype for Business and Outlook accounts

  1. In the Skype for Business concern main window, click Options.

  2. In Skype for Business - Options, click Personal.

  3. Select the Update my presence based on my agenda information bank check box.

  4. Select the Display my Out of Office information to contacts in my Friends and Family, Workgroup, and Colleagues privacy relationships check box to sync your Skype for Business and Outlook accounts.

Change your presence status

Note:Currently. Skype for Business concern on Mac does non provide presence data based on your Outlook calendar. This will be available in a future update.

Click your photo, click the Available drop-down arrow below your proper name, and so click the status you desire to show other people.

Status menu

To revert from the condition you ready and have Skype for Business automatically update your condition, click Automated.

Choose your presence status

Make sure yous set your status accurately. The following table describes each presence status that other people may see for y'all, what each status means, and which ones you tin can fix yourself.

Tip:The presence statuses are pre-prepare in Skype for Business concern, which means you tin can't create a custom condition, but you can requite your contacts more than details about where you are or what yous're doing by adding a status message. Run across Add or remove a status message for details.

If your presence is

It ways y'all are

Green status indicator


Online and available to contact.

Red status indicator


Busy or and don't desire to be interrupted.

Do not disturb status indicator

Do Not Disturb

Don't want to be disturbed and will run into chat notifications only if sent by someone in your workgroup.

Yellow status indicator

Be Right Back

Stepping abroad from the computer for a few moments.

Yellow status indicator

Off Work

Not working and non available to exist contacted.

Yellow status indicator

Appear Away

Logged on just your computer has been idle, or you've been away from your computer for a specified (set by y'all) period of fourth dimension.

Add or remove a status message

Type a message, such every bit "Working from dwelling," to share current details about your status. Change the message as often as you like.

To add together a status message

  • Click your photo, click Click to add together status message, and so type a bulletin, such as "In training today" or "Working on a borderline, please IM instead of stopping by."

    Add a status message

To remove your condition message

  • Click your photograph, click the message yous previously left, so press Delete.


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